Sunday, November 06, 2005

Indigenous Graphic novels

Those of you working with younger readers know that graphic novels are popular. Last month, at the Sequoyah Research Center Symposium in Little Rock, I met Patricia Wade, Media Director for the Chickaloon (Alaska) Village Traditional Council. She shared news abut the Ya Ne Dah Ah School in Chickaloon. You'll find out more about the school at I bought copies of three graphic novels illustrated by tribal member, Dimi Macheras. These titles are:
  • Besiin (I'll translate this to little bad boy!)
  • Tsaani (The Grizzly Bear Story)
  • C'eyiige' Hwnax (Magic House)

The English-language texts are traditional stories that teach tribal protocol. All stories end with with a wishful greeting: Let winter be short. Let summer be long!

