Hello, Council, Here's just a brief update on selected activities over the pastweek. Cheers, Loriene Roy +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I. Communication:
A. Telephone chats with chairs of committees; one more completed, scheduling others.
II. Media: Thank you, Jennifer Petersen for helping me prepare for interviews!
Completed interviews with:
A. 28 August 2007: Colorado Radio, "The Joe White Radio Show" (topic: Library Card Sign-Up Month and general library topics)
B. 29 August 2007: Des Moines Register (topic: digitization of library books)
C. 29 August 2007: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (topic: follow-up fact check for interview on reading lists)
D. 31 August 2007: Olathe (Kansas) Newspaper (topic: Library Card Sign-Up Month)
III. Publications:
A. "Indigenous Libraries and Innovative Multicultural Services," in IFLA Satellite, "Innovative Library Services for All" Proceedings, Available at http://lib.tut.ac.az/ifla/documents/lorieneroy.pdf. Accessed on 28 August 2007.
B. "(with Sara Albert) "Bienvenidos!: Celebrating Community, Collaboration, and Culture," REFORMA Newsletter 25 (1/2) (Spring/Summer 2007): 8.
IV. Meetings:
A. 29 August 2007: Media updating with ALA staff, conference call
B. 31 August 2007: Toured redesigned commons area in PCL Library on UT-Austin campus
V. Upcoming Travel:
A. LIANZA national conference, Rotorua, Aotearoa/New Zealand, 2-13 September
VI. Writing:
A. Wrote 6 talks for Fall 2007 presentations
B. Prepared sets of PowerPoint slides to accompany talks
C. Preparing final evaluation report for the 2006 Joint Conference of Librarians of Color
D. Completed 4th column for "American Libraries"
E. Submitted monthly contribution to the "Library Leadership Network"
VII. Appointments:
A. University of Texas at Austin, College of Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Graduate Council
VIII. For Fun
A. Reception for departing Architecture Librarian, Janine Henri
B. Attended opening UT-Austin football game. Texas: 21; Arkansas State: 13. Go 'Horns!