Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Hello, Council,
Here's just a brief update on selected activities over the past several weeks. Happy Holidays!
Loriene Roy
President, ALA
President, ALA-APA
I. Communication: Interviews
A. 21 Dec: LA Times (Topic: "Free for All: Oddballs, Geeksand Gangstas in the Public Library," by Don Borchert; librarianship as a profession)
B. 21 Dec: Palm Beach Deseret Sun (Topic: increasing circulation in public libraries; new public library services)

II. Media Coverage
A. "ALA President Roy to Visit Alabama-Coushatta Tribe," NewsWatch Native America, available at

III. Presentations:
A. 13 Dec: Storytime: Indian Head Start, 3 year olds, Alabama-Coushatta Tribal Library (Texas)
B. 13 Dec: Storytime: Indian Head Start, 4 year olds, Alabama-Coushatta Tribal Library (Texas)
C. 17 Dec: "Innovative Public Library Services and Spaces," Chinese American Library Association conference, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
D. 18 Dec: "Innovative Public Library Services and Spaces," Auditorium Hall, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou

IV. Writing/Publication

A. "President's Message: Circle of Literacy," American Libraries 38 (11) (December 2007): 6.
B. Presentation: "Innovative Public Library Services and Spaces."

V. Meetings and visits:
A. 10 Dec: Conference call with ALISE/ASIST/Committee on Accreditation.
B. 11 Dec: ad hoc Committee to Evaluate the Administration of Dean Andrew Dillon, School of Information, UT-Austin
C. 13 Dec: Meeting: Librarian, Alabama-Coushatta Tribal Library (Texas)
D. 13 Dec: Visit, Caldwell Public Library, Caldwell, Texas
E. 17 Dec: Tour: Dongguan Library
F. 18 Dec: Tour: Sun Yat-Sen University and campus
G. 18 Dec: Tour: SYU East Campus Library
H. 19 Dec: Lecture: LIS faculty and graduate students
I. 19 Dec: conversation, English corner, Sun Yat-Sen University

VII. For Fun
A. 9 Dec: Winter Concert, Classical Guitar Program, McCallum High School.
B. 10 Dec: Lunch with Arro Smith, iSchool Phd student
C. 10 Dec: Holiday party, Department of Computer Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin
D. 13 Dec: Holiday lunch, Maintenance Staff, Alabama-Coushatta Reservation (Texas)
E. 15 Dec: Banquet with Dongguan Library Staff
F. 16 Dec: Dinner with Dongguan Library Staff
G. 16 Dec: Spa visit with Dongguan Library staff
H. 17 Dec: visit to Keyuan Garden, Dongguan
I. 17 Dec: Lunch with Sun Yat-Sen Libraries Staff, Guangzhou, China
J. 18 Dec: Pearl River Night Tour
K. 18 Dec: Lunch with faculty members from DIS (LIS program), Sun Yat-Sen University
L. 18 Dec: Banquet with library staff, Sun Yat-Sen University
M. 19 Dec: tour of Chen Academy, Guangzhou, China
N. 19 Dec: Farewell banquet and karaoke, LIS students and faculty, Sun Yat-Sen University
O. 20 Dec: Breakfast with Sun Yat-Sen University Libraries Director, Dr. Cheng Huanwen

Fall 2008 classes: Monday morning (9-12): Information Resources and Services in the Humanities; Monday night (6-9): Public Libraries

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Hello, Council,

Here’s just a brief update on selected activities over the past week. I will submit my next report in several weeks.

Loriene Roy


I. Communication: Interviews

II. Media Coverage
5 December: Boston Parents’ Paper (topic: role of parents in promoting reading). Thank you: Paula Brehm-Heeger and Jane Marino for your input.
5 December: Dallas Morning News (topic: new public library services)

III. Presentations:
A. 8 December: Commencement speaker, School of Information, The
University of Texas at Austin, “Still Learning, Collaborating, and
Celebrating Culture”

IV. Writing/Publications
A. Evaluation report: Alabama-Coushatta Tribal Library, IMLS Basic Grant
B. December contribution: Library Leadership Network

V. Meetings and visits:
1. 3 December: Transforming Texas Libraries summit speakers (Joan Frye Williams and George Needham)
2. 3 December: ALA Executive Committee monthly conference call
3. 3 December: Transforming Texas Libraries summit small group work
4. 3 December: “Bring Libraries to the Decision-Making Table (speaker: Kathleen de la Pena McCook)
5. 4 December: Transforming Texas Libraries summit: small group work
6. 4 December: Transforming Texas Libraries summer: large group reporting and summary
7. 4 December “Internet Studies” (Speaker: Dr. William Aspray)
8. 5 December; Breakfast with Hemant Wadhwani on green initiatives and tribal school connections
9. 6 and 8 December: calls with two Chairs of ALA Committees
10. 6 December: conference call on OP ed for ALA/MW
11. 7 December: meeting with PhD student, Joe Sanchez, on ALA/MW Education Forum
12. 7 December: Attended two graduate student presentations related to ‘The Project in Interpreting the Texas Past.” Student presentations were for online exhibits planned for The George Washington Carver Museum and Cultural Center:
A. Arro Smith, PhD student, School of Information: “The Business of Burying the Dead in Early East Austin.”
B. Lauren Goodley, MSIS student, School of Information: “The St. John Orphanage and Industrial Institution”
13. 7 December: Conference call with iSchool student, Kit Pilgrim, and YALSA President, Paula Brehm-Heeger on independent studies options
14. 7 December: Fall 2007 iSchool Capstone Poster Sessions. I supervised Janice Kowemy (“Continuing the Journey of Knowledge and Traditions at the Laguna Public Library”) and Sophronia Bruno (“The American Dream Starts@ Your Library”)

VI. Upcoming Travel:
12-13 December: Alabama-Coushatta Tribal Library Visit
14-21 December: CALA Seminar in Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China

VII. For Fun
1. 2 December: Aloha McCallum! McCallum (High School) Family Auction & Dinner. [I submitted winning bids for swimming lessons and one-hour concert by Senior Classical Guitar Quintet]
2. 4 December: Holiday/Hanukkah Party with UT-Austin faculty
3. 6 December: Holiday party for UT-Austin College of Liberal Arts
4. 6 December: Dinner with Sophie Bruno, graduating student, and parents
5. 7 December: Dinner with iSchool graduate
6. For fans of youth classical guitar performance, see:
A. “The Austin Classical Guitar Society puts guitars in the hands of eager teenagers.” Students from McCallum's Fine Arts Academy will show off what they've learned this weekend. See the tall young man on the left portion of the video!
[ ]

VIII. Fall 2007 “Public Libraries” graduate class, Mondays, 9 a.m. to noon. Topics for the week: review of grant assignment, review of reflective essay on oral history project, public library futures assignment. Grant applications due by 7 December. Oral history papers due by 12 December.

Fall 2008 classes: Monday morning (9-12): Information Resources and Services in the Humanities; Monday night (6-9): Public Libraries

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Hello, Council,
Here's just a brief update on selected activities over the past two weeks.
Cheers,Loriene Roy
I. Communication: Interviews
A. 21 Nov: Detroit Free Press (unique items in public library collections)
B. 29 Nov: Cincinatti Inquirer (library design and design trends)
C. 30 Nov: ALA Washington Office podcast taping for DTV Awareness week.

II. Media Coverage
A. Stenis, Paul, "Meet Your iSchool Faculty: An Interview with Dr. Loriene Roy," The SASI Librarian: The Student Association of The School of Information 1 (2) (November 2007): 6.
B. "In These Times Magazine," Privatization and outsourcing, available at:
C. Davenport, Elaine, "Listening Librarians: News and Ideas for Librarians and Teachers," AudioFile 16 (4) (December 2007/January 2008): 66. [featuring Loriene Roy as an audio listener]

III. Presentations
A. 25 November 2007: [assisted] "Workshop for AMBAC: ALA and
Strategic Planning," Guadalajara. Speakers: Delin Guerra and Michael Dowling
B. 25 November 2007: Greetings, ALA Orientation at the Guadalajara Book Fair.
C. 25 November 2007: Greetings, Gala Dinner, Guadalajara Book Fair

IV. Meetings and visits

A. 19 November 2007: lunch with Patrick Macklem, William C. Graham Chair Facultyof Law University of Toronto (specialist: constitutional rights; indigenous people's rights;
B. 19 November 2007: ALA Executive Board Conference Call
C. 20 November 2007: Conference call,WGBH-Boston, summer 2008 ALA President's Program
D. 20 November 2007: part of presentation by Ann Seidl, "Hollywood Librarian."
E. 20 November 2007: meeting with marketing staff at Lance Armstrong Foundation
F. 24-26 November 2007: FIL, Feria del Libros, Guadalajara, Mexico
1. 24-26 November: ALA booth [brief assistance]
2. 24-26 November: toured, book exhibits, FIL
3. 26 November: observed Boston Public Library team, led by Rubi Simon
G. 29 November 2007: "Stepping Up" IMLS grant fall symposium," Lead from Where You Are." Speaker: Dr. Tommy Darwin, School School/Division of Diversity and Community Engagement
H. 29 November 2007: Meeting with student liaison to Gathering of Readers site.
I. 29 November 2007: Blanton Museum of Art, UT-Austin, Docent Tour of new
Exhibit ("Mike's World")
J. 29 November 2007: Meeting about National Oral History Program
K. 30 November 2007: Presentations by PhD students in Doctoral Research Seminar
L. 30 November 2007: Meeting with webmaster, Workplace Wellness Initiative

V. Upcoming Travel:
8 Dec: Commencement speaker, School of Information, The University of Texas at Austin
12-13 Dec: Alabama-Coushatta Tribal Library Visit
14-21 Dec: CALA Seminar in Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China

VI. For Fun
1. 24 November: Dinner with librarians at FIL, Guadalajara
2. 29 November: Party, Austin, Texas. Special Guests: Keith Michael Fiels, ALA Executive Director

VII. Fall 2007 "Public Libraries" graduate class, Mondays, 9 a.m. to noon. Topics for the week: federal/state involvement with public libraries, library systems, innovations in architecture, review of grant writing assignment. A. Arro Smith, doctoral student, directed the class on 26 November. Topics included examples of public library marketing and public library architecture, plus time to work on grant writing assignment.