Thursday, August 31, 2006


ALA President-elect Loriene Roy is seeking applications and nominations for
members to serve on the 2007-2008 ALA-Allied Professional Association
committees, with the appointments to be effective at the conclusion of the 2007
Annual Conference.

Ms. Roy will fill slots on the following three committees: Salaries and Status
of Library Workers, SirsiDynix - ALA-APA Award for Outstanding Promotion of the
Salaries and Status of Library Workers Jury and Certification Program Committee
(see charges below).

Letters of application and nominations should include a brief summary of the
nominee's qualifications for the committee(s) to which she or he is being
nominated. The name of the committee(s) for which the application or
nomination is being submitted should be clearly indicated. Nominations may
include participation in ALA, ALA-APA, regional, state, and local
organizations, as well as ALA membership duration (not required for all
appointments). Self-nominations may also be submitted. Applicants may apply
via email to or online at

Geographical location, type of library, gender, ethnicity, previous committee
work (ALA, ALA-APA and other) and related experience, and other factors are
considered when the committee slates are compiled in order to ensure broad
representation and diversity on all committees. Committee appointees will
receive appointment letters after the 2007 ALA Midwinter Meeting in Seattle.
Appointees will begin their committee service after the 2007 ALA Annual
Conference in Washington, DC.

Nominations and applications should be submitted no later than December 4, 2006
to Loriene Roy, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron Street, Chicago,
Illinois 60611; email

Questions concerning appointments can be directed to Dr. Roy at or Jenifer Grady, ALA-APA Director at


Certification Program Committee: The committee is charged to (1) encourage and
promote development of certification programs, (2) monitor and evaluate the
progress of such programs, (3) encourage individuals to seek certification
through such programs of the ALA-APA, and (4) make recommendations to the
ALA-APA Board of Directors for general improvement to ALA-APA certification,
based on evaluations and trends in certification practice.

Certification Review Committee for the Certified Public Library Administrator
Program: The ALA-APA Certification Review Committee (CRC) for the Certified
Public Library Administrator Program (CPLA) is a standing committee with the
following responsibilities: (1) Review and approve the requirements for
certification and re-certification. (2) Establish guidelines for education
programs offered by providers. (3) Review and approve education providers based
on the provider's self-attestation that the provider's program fulfills the
guidelines. (ALA-APA will develop, with advice from legal counsel, a disclaimer
that says that ALA-APA does not ^Óendorse^Ô a specific provider.) (4) Oversee
the process for development and validation of the certification program. (5)
Address appeals from applicants and refer them if necessary to the ALA-APA
Board of Directors. (6) Review periodically (at least every five years) the
standards established for the certification program and request that the [ALA]
division(s) make changes as needed. (7) Work cooperatively with ALA-APA and ALA

Salaries and Status of Library Workers: To advise the ALA-APA Council and Board
of Directors on activities, issues and programs related to improving salaries,
comparable worth, pay equity and increase status for librarians and other
library workers. The committee will identify special areas of need or emphasis,
suggest activities and programs, stimulate programs and projects. The committee
will encourage and help to coordinate volunteer support and involvement. The
committee will aid in communication with librarians and library workers, in ALA
and the field. The committee will report at least twice annually, in
conjunction with the regularly-scheduled meeting of the ALA-APA Council, on
progress toward goals.

SirsiDynix - ALA-APA Award for Outstanding Promotion of the Salaries and Status
of Library Workers: Develop and administer a process for selecting an award
recipient prior to the ALA Annual conference and presenting the award at the
ALA-APA Networking Breakfast at the conference.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

IFLA in Seoul, Korea

I was privileged to attend the recent World Library and Information Congress in Seoul, Korea. Highlights of the event for me were attending the organized programs, including the Opening Session and the indigenous knowledge program, the organized social events, several tours, the poster sessions, and meeting with friends, especially current and former students, Jee Davis, Nackil Sung, Dr. Duk-Hyun Chang,
and Spectrum Scholar Maria Hudson Carpenter. Former student, Seong-ah Lee even took a lengthy bus ride with her 3-year old daughter to meet me at the airport before I departed on my return flight to the US.

Here's a quick summary of my schedule.

Saturday, 19 August

Current iSchool student, Jee Davis, met me at the airport with a car sent by her brother's company. He arranged for a one-night stay in a wonderful hotel, the Prima. I arrived in time to take in the tail end of the recpetion for the U.S. Delegation at the COEX, my first glimpse at this large convention center attached to a huge underground mall.

Sunday, 20 August

1. After moving to my conferenc hotel (Hotel Riviera), I picked up registration materials in time to attend the Opening Session from 10:30 - 12:30. Seoul's mayor described the World Congress as the "cultural Olympics." Korea's First Lady addressed the audience and the key note speaker was past President Dr. Dae-jung Kim. He noted that "only libraries can provide the crucial role of removing the dark shadows of the digital divide ... libraries should become an open space for dialog between nations."

2. UNESCO Open Forum, 14:00 - 15:45.
Hosted by IFLA President-Elect, Dr. Claudia Lux, this event provided an overview of the World Digital Library Project and efforts to "digitize core cultural collections from countries and cultures around the world."

3. 16:00 - 18:00. Opening of the Exhibits, where I helped at ALA's booth.

Monday, 21 August

1. 9:00 - 13:00. Yongin Korean Folk Village tour, 30 km south of Seoul.
2. 16:30 - 18:00. Access to Learning Award Announcement and Reception. Congratulations, READ Nepal!
3. 19:00-. Minister's Gala Reception. After addresses by Mr. Myung-Gon Kim, Minister of Culture and Tourism, Dr. Alex Byrne, IFLA President, and Mr. Ki-Nam Shin, President of the National Organising Committee, we were treated to excerpts from a musical, "Gokdu-byulcho."

Tuesday, 22 August

1. 8:30-11:30. I attended President-Elect Dr. Claudia Lux's Planning Session.
2. 12:00-14:00. I set up and presented my poster session on "Honoring Generations," our scholarship program for indigenous students. Thanks, Ganga Dakshinamurti, for your help in setting up my poster. I'll be better prepared next time!
3. 14:15-14:45. I sat in part of the Libraries and Indigenous Knowledge in Africa program.
4. 14:00-15:45. I attended the last portion of the program sponsored by the New Professionals Discussion Group.
5. 16:00-18:00. I sat in the last portion of the program on Information Literacy.
6. 19:30 - 21:30. Cultural evening at the Sejong Center. We traveled by buses under police escort to this large performance venue. There, the evening events included performances by the National Changgeuk Company of Korea, National Dance Company, and National Orchestra.

Wednesday, 23 August.
1. 08:30 - 11:00. IFLA President's Program: Indigenous Knowledge, Libraries and Information Services. I was priviledged to speak on this panel with John Mohi (Aoteara/New Zealand) and Dr. Martin Nakata (Australia). We will continue our work through Dr. Byrne's new Presidential Committee on Indigneous Matters.
2. 12:00 - 14:00. Staffed my poster session again.
3. 13:45-18:00. Presented a poster session at the School Libraries and Resource Centers Section program.
1. 19:00-. Mayor's Reception

Thursday, 25 August
1. 08:40-12:40. Traditional Korean House Tour
2. 13:15-15:30. Attended part of the Closing Session
3. 15:30-18:00. Attended Council

Thursday, August 17, 2006

We honor the memory of

Te Arikinui Dame Te Atairangikaahu, Maori Queen

I was priviledged to see her at the 2005 World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Education in Hamilton, Aotearoa/New Zealand. Our thoughts are with our Maori friends in Te Ropu Whakahau, Maori in libraries and information management.

Read more about her in recent issues of The New Zealand Herald.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

On the Question of Virtual Members of ALA and Council Committees

Thank you for responding to my call for volunteers to serve on ALA and Council committes! Almost 70 people have completed the online appointment form.

I noticed a recent post to the ALA Members list asking about virtual membership and calling on more virtual membership slots for committee appointments. Here's my interpretation of how this is handled.

I reviewed the ALA Policy Manual and located the Section on "Organization and Operational Policies--Units, Committees, Etc." 6.16.

The process for establishing virtual members is as follows: Someone needs to make a request to establish virtual members on an ALA or Council Committee in writing to the ALA Committee on Organization (COO). This written request likely comes in the form of a resolution from a particular Standing Committee in its report to Council. When the recommendation is approved by COO then COO takes it back to ALA Council for consideration.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Note: My Call for Nominations to Serve on ALA and Council Committees is as follows:

ALA President-elect Loriene Roy is seeking applications and nominations
for appointments to 2007-2008 ALA and Council committees.

She will fill slots on the following committees: Accreditation;
American Libraries Advisory; Awards; Budget Analysis and Review; Chapter
Relations; Conference; Constitution and Bylaws; Council Orientation;
Diversity; Education; Election; Human Resource Development and
Recruitment Advisory; Information Technology Policy Advisory;
Intellectual Freedom; International Relations; Legislation; Literacy;
Literacy and Outreach Services Advisory; Membership; Membership
Meetings; Nominating; Organization; Orientation, Training, and
Leadership Development; Policy Monitoring (current Council members
only); Professional Ethics; Public and Cultural Programs Advisory;
Public Awareness; Publishing; Research and Statistics; Resolutions;
Rural, Native and Tribal Libraries of All Kinds; Scholarships and Study
Grants; Status of Women in Librarianship; Website Advisory;
ALA-Children's Book Council (Joint); ALA-Association of American
Publishers {Joint) and ALA-Society of American Archivists-American
Association of Museums(Joint). Committee charges can be found in the
ALA Handbook of Organization.

All applicants must complete and submit the electronic 2007-2008 ALA
Committee Volunteer Form. The form is available at: The deadline for submission is
December 4, 2006.

Geographical location, type of library, gender, ethnicity, previous
committee work (not necessarily with ALA), ALA and related experience,
and other factors are considered when the committee slates are compiled
in order to ensure broad representation and diversity on all committees.
The ALA Committee on Committees and Committee on Appointments will
assist Dr. Roy in making appointments. Committee appointees will
receive appointment letters after the 2007 ALA Midwinter Meeting in
Seattle. Appointees will begin their committee service after the 2007
ALA Annual Conference in Washington, DC.

Questions concerning appointments can be directed to Dr. Roy at or Lois Ann Gregory-Wood, Council
Secretariat, at

Elizabeth Dreazen
Office of ALA Governance
50 E. Huron Street
Chicago, IL 60611
1-800-545-2433, ext. 3203
Fax: 312-944-3897

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Conference on Native American Health Information Services in the US
Albuquerque, New Mexico, 20-21 July 2006

I was fortunate to be an invited guest at this conference, sponsored by the National Network of Libraries of Medicine(R) and hosted by the Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center at the U of New Mexico.

The Conference goal was "to promote collaboration among libraries delivering Native American health information services by increasing awareness of current projects and by developing a system that supports continued networking among librarians providing those services." Some of the highlighted programs included:
*the South Dakota Native American Health Information Partnership (NAHIP), a consumer health program provided at tribal colleges and on reservations.
*Four Hills of Life Wellness Center (Omaha Tribe of Nebraska);
*Sacred Root--NLM Tribal Information Fellowship Program; and
*Cherokee Health Information Network (CHIN).

The group will continue to communicate.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Retracing Steps

I've spent much of July on the road and will try to send some updates on recent travels and activities, not necessarily in chronological order!

First, feel free to check my open blogs linked from my new ALA President-Elect website ( Check under the blog circle and feel free to post messages on the blogs associated with my three Presidential initiatives: (1) Supporting LIS Education Through Practice; (2) Circle of Literacy; and (3) Workplace Wellness. I welcome your ideas and comments.

Today I returned from the Lifelong Access Libraries Institute on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This was the first of three gatherings for Fellows for the Institute, representing public libraries across the country that are providing exemplary services for boomers and older adults. I was delighted to serve on a panel with Anthony Sarmiento, President and Executive Director of Senior Service America. My talk addressed an indigenous view of lifespan. While I could not stay for the entire institute, I was privileged to hear two excellent key note addresses. I have often cited Dr. Robert Butler's work on life term review and found his call for the development of a philosophy of longevity exciting. Dr. Catherine Bateson's views of the potential of the American public library were equally challenging as she called on libraries to find out how they can help older adults transform themselves.

Recent Library Visits, #18-21.

I'll provide more details on recent visits to the Hialeah Public Library in Florida(#18) as well as the tribal community library at the Big Cypress Seminole Community (#19), the library at the Seminole museum (#20) and the library science collection at the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill. At UNC I browsed a collection of ALA programs from the early 1930s to the 1950s!

Reading Circle:

One of the great joys of traveling is the opportunity to read during lengthy waits and transits. Here are some of my recent reads: Louise Erdrich's "Four Souls": Adrian Wojnarowski's "The Miracle of St. Anthony: A Season With Coach Bob Hurley and Basketball's Most Improbable Dynasty"; Sebastian Barry's "A Long Long Way"; Chris Bohjalian's "The Buffalo Soldier"; Leo Litwak's "The Medic: Life and Death in the Last Days of World War II"; Carol Shields' "The Stone Diaries" and a reread of Gregory Cajete's "Look to the Mountain: An Ecology of Indigenous Education." Some of my favorite romance writers are no longer writing, or I have read through their publications. This short list includes Rosamund Pilcher, Lavyrle Spencer, Mauve Binchy. I am now reading Nicholas Sparks, starting with "Message in a Bottle." Set in North Carolina, I often like to read works depicting the settings where I travel.