Monday, April 14, 2008

Hello, Council,

Just a quick update on one of our projects.

Henry Stokes, one of my former students, has just sent the URL for the revised "Workplace Wellness" website that we are rolling out forthe 2008 National Library Workers Day. The site is called "Join the Circle of Wellness@Your Library":

"For us, wellness includes all aspects of a persons life: physical, social, environmental, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, andoccupational.
On this site, you can read inspiring stories of your library colleagues' journeys towards wellness, find out about workplace wellness inthe news, and discover helpful tools and resources to aid you on your own journey. Coming soon: information about Workplace Wellnessactivities at ALA Annual, as well as a way to share your own journey."

Henry was assisted by an Emerging Leaders Cohort and advice from a Workplace Wellness Taskforce, chaired by Siobhan Champ-Blackwell.


Loriene Roy