Hello, Council,
Here's just a brief update on selected activities over the past several weeks.
Loriene Roy
I. Presentations
A. 25 March: Co-presenter, PLA Preconference, Cultural Programming for Libraries: Linking Libraries, Communities, and Culture," workingwith indigenous communities, Minneapolis.
B. 25 March: Small group discussion moderator, PLA Preconference, Cultural Programming for Libraries: Linking Libraries, Communities, andCulture," Minneapolis.
C. 26 March: Press Conference, national study on library services for non-English speaking communities, Hennepin County Public Library,Minneapolis.
D. 28 March: Co-presenter, "`We Shall Remain,' Public Libraries Team Up with PBS to Explore a Native History of America," Minneapolis.
E. 29 March: Greetings to PLA members at Closing Session featuring Paula Poundstone, Minneapolis.
F. 31 March: Co-presenter, General Session, National Conference on Family Literacy, Louisville.
G. 2 April: Webcast taping for WETA Learning Media, Reading Rockets (summer reading programs), Arlington, VA.
II Media Interviews
A. "Librarian Picks Books for Women's History Month," NPR: Tell Me More. (March 24, 2008). Available athttp://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=88951694. Accessed on 3 April 2008.
B. 24 March: Inside Arm (topic: fines and collection agencies)
C. 31 March: WWFS-FM (NY, NY). (Topic: National Library Week (NLW))
D. 31 March: Reporter (Concord, MA) (Topic: Privatization)
E. 1 April: Chattanooga Times Free Press (changes in public library buildings and services)
F. 1 April: La Opinion Newspaper (Topic: library services for non-English speakers)
G. 3 April: WFCC-FM (Hyannis, Cape Cod, MA). (Topic: NLW)
H. 4 April. KDFT-AM (Dallas). (Topic: (NLW (in Spanish))
I. 5 April. WBMX-FM (Boston). (Topic: NLW)
J. 7 April. KDJS-AM (Minneapolis) (Topic: NLW)
A. Reviewed May "President's Message" for American Libraries
B. Collaborated on the review of galley proofs for a chapter in the International Handbook of Education
C. "President's Message: Circle of Knowledge," American Libraries 39 (4) (April 2008): 6.
D. Prepared President's quarterly report for ALA Executive Board.
E. Meetings and visits:
1. 24 March: Meeting with Alex Hershey, editing book chapters for "The Service Connection."
PLA, 12th National Conference, Minneapolis
2. 25 March: meeting with Heid Erdrich and Louise Erdrich at Birchbark Books.
3. 26 March: Opening General Session featuring John Wood
4. 26 March: Exhibits Grand Opening Reception
5. 26 March: dinner meeting with Pat Mora, Minneapolis
6. 27 March: Authors Readers Theatre (with Avi, Pam Munoz Ryan, Sarah Weeks, and Brian Selznick)
7. 27 March: Children's Author Luncheon featuring Pat Mora and Raul Colon
8. 27 March: "In this Age of the Internet, Who Uses the Public Library? Who Doesn't? and Why?" PLA Program.
9. 27 March: exhibits and helping to staff ALA booth
10. 28 March: Adult Author Luncheon with Louise Erdrich
11. 28 March: The Need to Lead." PLA Program.
12. 29 March: "From Hype to Help: Making a Difference with New Technologies." PLA Program.
13. 29 March: Closing session featuring Paula Poundstone
14. 31 March: Monthly conference call with ALA Executive Committee
15. 31 March: National Conference on Family Literacy, exhibits, Louisville.
16. 1 April: General Session Brunch (Speakers include Gary Knell, President/CEO, sesameworkshop; Grover, Sesame Street)
17. 3 April. Conference call: developing the library programming kit for the PBS "American Experience" series, "We Shall Remain."
18. 3 April: 5 advising sessions with iSchool students on course advising for summer and fall 2008.
19. 4 April. Visit to Tohono O'odham Tribal College Library. Thank you Elaine Cubbins!
20. 4 April: Stopped by the Tohono O'odham U'Uiwi Ha-Hemapad, Tohono O'odham Women's Gathering, near Sells, Arizona
21. 4 April: Toured the Tohono O'Odham Nation Cultural Center & Museum
22. 4 April: Toured the Himdag Ki: Library/Archives at the Tohono O'odham Nation Cultural Center & Museum
23. 6 April: Yuman Reunion: meeting of former staff of Yuma's Century House Museum and Territorial Prison Museum, Tucson, Arizona. Thank you, Beth! "Ride to Read" and safe travels, History Hogs.
24. 7 April: Maria Gonzalez, iSchool PhD Student Dissertation Defense, "'Crises' in Scholarly Communications:Insights from Forty-Years ofthe Journal of Library History, 1966 - 2005."
25. 7 April: Meeting with iSchool PhD student, Arro Smith about national oral history project.
IV. Upcoming Travel.
A. 8-10 April: New Mexico Library Association, Las Cruces, New Mexico
B. 11-13 April: ALA Executive Board Spring Meeting, Chicago
C. 15 April: Federation of North Texas Universities workshop on leadership, Dallas
D. 15-18 April: Texas Library Association annual conference, Dallas
E. 21-22: Oklahoma Library Association, Tulsa
V. For Fun
A . 30 March. Dinner with Ms. Fannie Cox, President, Kentucky Library Association, Dr. Dale Lipshultz and Art Lipschultz, Louisville.
B. 31 March. Dinner with Dr. Selene Phillips, Assistant Professor, University of Louisville, College of Communication
C. 4 April. Dinner with Dr. Jana Bradley, Director, SIRLS, University of Arizona. Thank you, Jana!
Fall 2008 classes: Monday morning (9-12): Introduction to Information Resources and Services; Monday night (6-9): Public Libraries
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